Commissioned by Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing to create a branding logo for Jockey Club “Brain Health” Dementia Screening and Community

As individuals age, the potential development of dementia for themselves or their loved ones becomes a growing concern. Unfortunately, some hesitate to seek medical advice, thereby missing crucial opportunities for prevention, diagnosis, intervention, and support from healthcare professionals. Research indicates that individuals with mild cognitive impairment who do not receive any intervention within one year face a risk of 10-15% of progressing to dementia. It is vital for everyone to treat this issue seriously. Upon receiving a dementia diagnosis, timely intervention and appropriate support can significantly slow down cognitive decline, allowing more time for life planning and caregiving arrangements. The Jockey Club “Brain Health” Dementia Screening and Community Support Project adheres to the principles of “early detection, early diagnosis, and early intervention”. It aims to support individuals concerned about memory decline through initial screening and subsequent services.

Jockey Club “Brain Health” Dementia Screening and Community Support Project